TARAWOOD Special Dependent Taxing District NO. 32
November 12th, 2024 – 3103 Tarabrook Dr, Tampa, FL 33618
Trustee Morgado called the regular meeting of the TSDTD to order at 7:47 P.M. Trustees attending included: Stoney Morgado, Bob Terri, Daniel Cinquegrano, James Osborne, and Jim Carey, and James Plunkett. A quorum was obtained. No property owners were in attendance.
Trustee Osborne read the meeting minutes from October 8th, 2024. A motion was made by Trustee Cinquegrano to accept the minutes. Trustee Terri seconded.
Our account balance as of 9/30/2024 was $4,870.92, with an ending balance of $1,216.59 as of 10/31/2024.
The following bills have been accrued since the last meeting and are presented for payment:
- $158.27 annual website hosting renewal reimbursement to Trustee Golson
- $115.49 FY24 no audit mailer reimbursement to Trustee Osborne
- $475 Big League common area lawn maintenance
- $280 Bay to Bay Environmental (August pond treatment)
- $25.32 TECO (Oct.)
- $1,343.75 Sutton Street Sweeping. August sweeping + September sweeping was performed after hurricane Helene which Sutton agreed to delay payment until December ($671 paid now with balance of this payment will be made in December).
- $175 FL Special District Accountability Program Annual Fee
Trustee Cinquegrano made a motion to approve the above payments, seconded by Trustee Terri. The board unanimously approves.
Trustee Terri commented that it appeared the TECO bill shot up in August/September from prior months. Given the increase seems larger than the project work done could have caused from contractor usage, it is recommended for the board to check the electric box to determine if there has been a breach.
Trustee Terri arranged for street sweeping services in late September, post hurricane Helene. Given the board is low on budgeted funds after the year’s project work, Mr. Sutton agreed to delay billing until December.
Trustee Osborne mailed the annual FY24 “no-audit” letter to the property owners via USPS. Letters went out the last week of September.
Trustee Terri makes a motion to keep the FY25 regularly scheduled monthly meetings as the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at the garage/driveway of 3103 Tarabrook Dr, Tampa, FL 33618. Trustee Carey seconds. Trustee Osborne to place an AD in the TBT to advertise for this.
Trustee Plunkett discussed the need for improved lighting in the neighborhood, with the recent hurricanes knocking a few street lamps/poles down and the long standing dark patches in some areas. Solar street lights was posed as an option, either cemented into the ground via pole or perhaps attached to the existing trees. Trustee Terri proposed asking TECO to audit/assess the neighborhood first and see if they will update our existing lighting infrastructure. Trustee Plunkett to contact TECO to inquire about an energy audit as a first course of action.
Trustee Terri to contact his subcontractor friend Alan B. regarding re-installation of a few street/stop signs around the neighborhood as a result of the hurricane season. Quote for repair work to be provided at next monthly meeting.
The board discussed the upcoming fiscal year projects, in particular, the continued work on the entranceways. Next steps will begin upon receipt of annual assessment funding from the County anticipated in Dec./Jan.
New Trustees/Renewals/Changes
Incumbent Trustees Stoney Morgado, whose term is up in September 2024, desires to remain on the board. Trustee Osborne makes motion to reappoint trustee Morgado to a new term, ending September 2028. Seconded by Trustee Terri.
Trustee Golson, whose term was up in September 2024, has voiced his desire to resign from the board. Seconded by Trustee Osborne.
Trustee Plunkett, who was appointed as new Trustee in the September 2024 meeting, will also have his term ending September 2028.
Trustee Carey makes motion to retain/elect the following Officer positions into the FY25 period:
- Trustee Moragdo- President
- Trustee Terri- Vice President
- Trustee Cinquegrano- Treasurer
- Trustee Osborne- Secretary
Trustee Cinquegrano seconds the motion.
A motion was made by Trustee Osborne to approve all new business items. Trustee Terri seconded. The board unanimously approves.
A motion was made to adjourn by Trustee Osborne and seconded by Trustee Terri. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Osborne